Schell Games’ HistoryMaker VR is coming just in time for pandemic distance learning

← Education in the new normality: history classes in virtual reality
Educational Tool HistoryMaker VR Steps Onto Steam In August →

VentureBeat also covered the news about HistoryMaker VR’s release, noting that the game is coming out just in time for pandemic distance learning. The 2020-2021 school year is a mystery for many parents, students, and teachers. The United States is uncertain about how to safely bring students back to school, so many districts are applying remote or hybrid learning. Tools like HistoryMaker VR can aid teachers in helping their students learn practice history and speaking skills remotely.

Author Ian Hamilton explains the gameplay, noting that “middle school students are the target audience. They can deliver speeches in VR as one of eight characters from United States history. Kids can customize stages with various backgrounds and props, and then export and edit videos for review by teachers or classmates.”

The tool, which is playable on the Oculus Rift/​Rift S, will be available to educators at no cost and retail for $9.99 USD on Steam for history and VR enthu­si­asts, in an effort to bring this experience to a wide range of people at an affordable price point.